Sunday, May 17, 2015

Pardon My Dust



Dust balls.

It's been a little quiet in this space, but I can't always be busy on "social" media. It's been five rooms, two hallways, a stair, four colors, and walls for +1600 sq. feet of floor space painted since Tuesday night. And that's on top of a full-time job. Thank God the spring weather has been miserable in NE Minnesota.

But trade-offs are real life, and so is work. This is a travel blog that's never pretended that life is an endless adventure, where toil is for misguided souls stuck in the rat race. Even when I'm on holiday, I'm reminded that people need to work--to make things and provide services--for the benefit of others. There are no airplanes, cruise ships, mountain bikes or iPads without miners, engineers and labor. And, the work itself can be as emotionally satisfying as a sail in the tropics or camping under desert stars. 

So I'm tired but satisfied with the results. Now, more than 600 feet of pine trim await shellac. Then three boys want Dad back.